NextGen America is on a mission to empower young voters to engage in the political process and make sure our gov’t responds to the largest and most diverse generation of voters in American history.
As Design Director of a design team rapidly designing new campaigns for the 2018 presidential campaign, my focus was to ensure that my team was inspired to create content that was engaging and stood out against the many political campaigns of 2018.
1-6: Day of Action college campaign (Art Direction). In this campaign, we commissioned custom illustrations to highlight our organizers in the field as heroes of change.
7-9: Trump's opposition campaign in Republican-dominated districts in California. In this campaign, we made sure that young people knew which congress members were associated with Trump when it came to policy. We also encourage them to pledge to vote in the 2018 primaries. (Design/Art Direction)
10: Vote Gillum for Gov for NextGen Florida campaign. (Design/Art Direction)
11: State-specific vote motivation campaign — CA Instagram shown. (Art Direction)
12-14 Pledge to vote campaigns. (Art Direction)
15-16: Coastal Drilling in CA awareness campaign (Design/Art Direction)
17-18: Oregon Carbon Tax awareness campaign